Scheme Amendment 67 & Local Structure Plan - Precinct 3 of the Muchea Industrial Park (Closed)
Posted: 21/05/2020 Closing Date: 17/07/2020 04:00 PM
At its meeting held 18 March 2020, Council resolved to adopt Scheme Amendment No.67 for advertising, which seeks to rezone Lots 800-804, 192, 194 and 35 Great Northern Highway, Muchea from ‘Agricultural Resource’ to ‘Light Industrial’ under the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme No. 6.
In association with this Scheme Amendment, a Local Structure Plan has been prepared over the land and is also being advertised for comment.
Please see the associated documents on the right of the web page
This land has been strategically identified for industrial development in the Muchea Employment Node Structure Plan (2011).
The below illustrates the land affected by the proposals:
If you wish to make written comment on this application please address such to the Planning Department by 4:00pm 17 July 2020.
Whilst the Scheme Amendment and Local Structure Plan are being advertised together, it is important to understand that each are processed separately, and any comment made to the Shire, should clearly indicate which matter is being referred to.