Online Form - Request for Permit to Burn

During the Restricted Burning Period, a permit must first be obtained from a Shire authorised Bush Fire Control Officer. 

Please allow a minimum of four working days before your planned burn to complete this form.

A Permit to Burn will have a maximum 7-day duration, with an exception for bona fide, broad acre stubble-burning crop preparation operations, which may be applied for a maximum duration of 28 days.

A Permit to Burn will not be issued for social occasions (e.g. fire pits or similar), burning of rubbish, or for burning which can be reasonably deferred or avoided.

Be aware that you must be able to fulfill the following conditions before a permit will be issued to you:

  1. Provide sufficient running water and/or a fire fighting unit to the area that is to be burnt
  2. Ensure there are adequate fire breaks surrounding the pile or area to be burnt
  3. Provide enough people to attend the fire (usually a minimum of three) from lighting the fire until it is totally extinguished and cold.
  4. Notify your neighbours/adjoining landowners prior to lighting the fire
  5. Notify the Shire of Chittering prior to lighting the fire, during business hours
  6. Notify the Department of Fire & Emergency Services prior to lighting the fire (same day)
  7. Notify the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions (Parks & Wildlife) if your property is within 3km of their land, prior to lighting the fire

Fire Control Officers are not obliged to issue Permits to Burn and they may advise on alternatives to burning. Please remember Fire Control Officers are volunteers and their availability to issue permits may vary, assist them by planning in advance. 

Permits to Burn cannot be issued over the phone and should a Fire Control Officer refuse to issue a permit, it is a breach of the Bush Fires Act 1954 to request a permit from another Fire Control Officer.


Applicant Details

The person wishing to apply for the permit

Planned Burn Information

Please allow a minimum of four working days before your planned burn. Being issued a permit is subject to volunteer's time and you must allow time to notify your neighbours.

Type of burn to be conducted*

Max File Size: 50.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png

Max File Size: 50.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png
Can you confirm that at least three people will be in attendance at all times?*
By selecting 'YES' - I agree that the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that this form does not permit me to conduct any form of burning, I acknowledge that it is a request for a Fire Control Officer to contact me to issue me with a permit. I also acknowledge that Fire Control Officers are not obliged to issue permits and they may advise on alternatives to burning.*

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