Ordinary Meetings of Council are held on the third Wednesday of the months February through to December. The meetings are held in the Council Chambers, 6177 Great Northern Highway, Bindoon, commencing at 7pm (unless otherwise advised).

No action should be taken on any item discussed at a Council meeting prior to written advice on the resolution of Council being received.

Rate payers and residents are welcome to attend these meetings.

Further information can be obtained by contacting the Shire's Council Support Officer on (08) 9576 4606.


Agendas for Council meetings are available to Elected Members and the public on the Friday prior to the Council meeting; and can be obtained from the Bindoon Library, the Shire's Administration Centre, or downloaded below.

Limited copies are available at the meeting.


The Shire website contains minutes from Council and Annual Electors meetings from 2012.  If you wish to view Council Minutes that are not available on this site please visit the Shire's Administration Office Monday-Friday between 8.30am and 4pm.

2024 Ordinary Council Meeting Schedule

Agenda Forum Date Ordinary Council Meeting
Wednesday 14 February Wednesday 21 February
Wednesday 13 March Wednesday 20 March
Wednesday 10 April Wednesday 17 April
Wednesday 8 May Wednesday 15 May
Wednesday 12 June Wednesday 19 June
Wednesday 10 July Wednesday 17 July
Wednesday 14 August Wednesday 21 August
Wednesday 11 September Wednesday 18 September
Thursday 10 October Wednesday 16 October
Wednesday 13 November Wednesday 20 November
Wednesday 4 December Wednesday 11 December

Current and Previous Years Meetings

Minutes of Ordinary Council Meetings prior to 2012 are available upon request from the Shire.

Please contact us on 08 9576 4606 or email chatter@chittering.wa.gov.au

Previous Council Meeting Minutes