Enrolment Eligibility Claim Form
Application to Register a Corporate Nominee
The Shire of Chittering Local Government Elections are held every two years, on the third Saturday in October. The next local government election will be on Saturday 21 October 2023.
Councillors are elected for four year terms, with three Councillors elected one term and four Councillors the next term. In 2023 there are four Councillor positions to be filled.
The Shire’s elections are conducted as postal elections by the Western Australian Electoral Commission. The Commission appoints a Returning Officer who overseas the elections which includes taking candidate nominations and supervising the count on election night.
Election packages are posted to all electors on the Shire of Chittering roll approximately three weeks before election day. Every person enrolled on the electoral roll will be issued a ballot by mail and invited to complete the ballot and return to the Shire by 6.00pm on Election Day.
The count commences at 6.00pm that same day and the results are normally available later that evening. Voting in local government elections is not compulsory.
Election Signage
Electoral Gift Guidelines
For further information please contact the Shire on 9576 4600.