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Policy 1.4 Complaints Handling

External complaint procedure

The Shire of Chittering recognises that:

  • Poor service and ineffective communication may account for one third of total workload
  • Complaints can tell us what went wrong and how we can improve
  • Systematic logging of complaint data enables analysis of the cause of problems
  • Forms for lodging complaints should be simple to use but comprehensive
  • Referral procedures should be known to all front line staff
  • Complaints must be dealt with quickly to ensure satisfaction
  • Staff must have a clear delegation to resolve complaints
  • Remedies should be appropriate, reasonable and timely
  • Treat complainant pleasantly, respectfully and professionally
  • Anger must be diffused before the problem can be fixed
  • Sincere apologies for errors are a potent weapon in resolving complaints
  • Complaint data helps identify service deficiencies that need corrective action
  • Complaints must be seen as a positive opportunity for service recovery
  • Effective complaint systems are an essential part of providing customer service
  • Identifying underlying causes of complaints will lead to service improvements
  • Complaints must be welcomed in order for them to be prevented

The Shire of Chittering's complaint handling system is an organised way of responding to, recording and using complaints to improve service to customers.

It includes procedures for customers to make complaints, guidelines for staff to resolve complaints and provides information to managers and staff that can assist them to prevent customer dissatisfaction happening in the future.

Customers often judge organisations by the way they handle complaints.

The Shire of Chittering's Complaint Procedure has been designed to be an effective complaint handling system which is an essential part of providing quality public sector service with benefits being:

  • Identifying areas that need improvement
  • Creating a second chance to provide customer service and satisfaction to dissatisfied clients
  • Providing an opportunity to strengthen public support for the Shire of Chittering

It is important to note that any member of the public wishing to make a complaint against a Councillor, Shire staff or third party involving the Shire is required to lodge their complaint in writing.

The Complainant is to be advised that action on the complaint can only be taken when he/she agrees to their name being known to the Councillor, Shire Staff or third party.

Council has developed this policy to eliminate frivolous complaints and complaints that may be lodged because of ulterior or vexatious motives.

If you have a complaint against Shire staff please contact the Shire's Human Resources Coordinator.

If your complaint is against a Councillor please contact the Shire's Chief Executive Officer.