Rural Number

Rural Street Numbering

Application for a Rural Street Number

Property owners who own land that currently only have a lot number are able to apply to the Shire of Chittering to get a rural number allocated to their property. Rural numbers take the place of street numbers however follow a different process to be determined for each property. This form of numbering is used in rural areas to assist Emergency Services when there is an incident in the area.

Landgate provides a simple explanation:

Rural property numbering is simple - numbers are allocated in sequence, based on how far the entrance is from the nominated start of the road. Odd numbers are on the left and even numbers on the right. If a property's number is 327, it's on the left side and three-point-two-seven kilometres from the start of the road. If the number is 1026, it's on the right and ten-point-two-six kilometres from the start.

To apply, the above application needs to be completed and the allocated fee paid. On receipt of both of these, Ranger Services will work out the appropriate number for the property and install a picket with a numbered green plate. Rangers will then inform Landgate and our Rates Officer to complete the process.

To contact Ranger Services, please call 9576 4600 or email