Community Noise

Use of Trail Bikes and other Off-Road Vehicles in the Shire of Chittering

Noise Complaint Form

Why is excessive noise a problem?

Excessive  noise can be an issue between neighbours, causing unnecessary stress and a loss of comfort and amenity. The Shire’s most common noise complaints arise   from the inconsiderate  use of  trail bikes and off-road vehicles, playing loud music  and the use of specified equipment or construction machinery.  Specified equipment is equipment that requires the constant presence of an operator and which causes excessive noise. It is always best to  avoid creating noise that will disrupt your neighbours whenever possible.

What are the rules?

As a general rule, if noise can be easily heard at the boundary of a property, there is the potential it could impact upon neighbouring properties and exceed the allowable  levels of noise. The Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 establishes the levels of noise that are allowable at various times of the day and the requirements for  assessing noise levels and calculating exceedance levels along with penalties for breaches. The Shire brochure “Use of Trail Bikes and Off-road Vehicles in the Shire of Chittering” provides a summary of relevant legislation and guidelines for being considerate towards neighbours.  The brochure can be viewed by clicking the link above.

What happens if I make too much noise?

Unwanted noise, particularly regularly, can be a major cause of stress, sleep problems and disagreements between neighbours. It is always best to try not to create excessive noise that may disrupt those around you, but if you fail to comply with the noise legislation it can result in notices and fines, seizure of equipment or prosecution.

Please consider the needs of those around you before you begin a noisy activity. 

What times  are allowed for construction noise ?

Construction noise associated with a current building permit is permitted between 7am and 7pm Monday - Saturday (excluding Sundays and public holidays).  However, once again, the users of such equipment must be considerate towards neighbours as far as practicable.

Further information can be obtained from the Shire's Environmental Health Section on 9576 4614 or email